Joe Markusson

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.


Hi!  My name is Joe and I have a healthy obsession for the outdoors, community and technology.  Some of my favorites include fishing (ice and melted ice), running, volunteering or simply playing in the yard with my wife, two sons and 6 year old "grey goat" dog Mort.  I have been working with various forms of tech both big and small for the past 15 years and enjoy everyday being a new puzzle.  I have love for travel and the experiences it brings, opening up to new surroundings whenever possible.


So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbor. 


What I do...

I am an Sr. Director of Implementation Services for a top govTech company. What does that mean?  Well I manage a dynamic team of implementation gurus to ensure federal and local government clients can get in touch with you when times are good and maybe not so good :-(  My day-to-day consists of working with a group of 15+ team members on the process of implementing a cloud communications platform using email, SMS, voice and web channels.  I do my best to make sure things are on time and under allowance, but try and add a little fun along the way.  Sound interesting?  Take a look around and if you would like to chat lets get in touch!





What I am exploring...

Hey that looks neat!  My mind is constantly moving and my interests continually evolving.  I am pretty good at the internet, I hope you are too! If you dig around you will find some of the shiny objects that steal my attention from time to time.  While I can try and make sense out of how my interests fit together, it would likely be confusing (not to me).  If you are into what I am into, we should be best friends!...Or maybe just chat about it some more and see where things go.